Our Mission
To help young people and their families gain the skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and develop ideas for a more innovative economy. 4‑H also strives to offer a wide variety of STEM opportunities – from agricultural and animal sciences to rocketry, robotics, environmental protection and computer science – to improve the nation’s ability to compete in key scientific fields and take on the leading challenges of the 21st century.
Edna 4H started in 1925. It is operated by a youth officer team elected by the membership annually. The Community Club Leader(s) CCL supports the Officer Team. During the 2023-2024 4-H year, EDNA was the largest 4-H club in SLO County. It has about 120+ youth members, offers 28 projects run by 35+ volunteer project leaders and advisors. The EDNA Family is proud of its multi-generational history. Many leaders were EDNA youth members. EDNA is thick in tradition.
What is 4-H?
4-H is the nation's largest youth development and empowerment organization, reaching more than seven million 4-h youth in urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards, and rural farming communities, fueled by university-backed curriculum. 4-HER's engage in hands-on learning activities in the areas of science, healthy living, and food security.
Young people who are a part of 4-H have the opportunity to explore all types of science, health, and citizenship programming delivered through 4-h clubs and camps, as well as after-school and in-school.
More than anything, 4-H teaches youth responsibility, respect, professionalism, and leadership through animal husbandry, officer and junior leader opportunities and both peer and adult interaction as well as community service. Members have many opportunities to gain and use their public speaking skills.
For more information, visit the following links.