Help your youth be leaders. Engage them in agriculture, and develop their character. Enroll them in 4-H today, and watch them make the best, better.
Welcome back to Edna 4-H! This year we are transitioning to a new database called Z-Suites. Z-Suites replaces our previous database 4-H Online and allows administrators to run customized reports.
What does this mean for you?
It means you need to update your records and create a new sign in.
How do I login?
Go to: https://4h.zsuite.org/
Or Click: Z-Suites login
1. Enter the email address you had on file from last year.
2. Select forgot password. You will know if you entered the correct username/email because you will receive an email with a prompt to change your password.
3. Update password
You have successfully logged into your new z-suites account. If not, contact dharris@co.slo.ca.us for assistance.
It looks different, what do I need to do now?
Each family will have a Dashboard with a Household Profile and Member Profiles. You will be able to enroll for the current year and update profiles. Just create a family pin and you will have access to profiles for your family.
Where is the Health Form?
The Health Form is a waiver so it is located in your Household Profile. Click update enrollment of the profile that you need the health form for and select Waivers. The Health waiver is the first drop-down section. Select the print icon or download the file and customize your print options. Note: Adult Volunteers do not have a Health Form Waiver, therefore they are not required to submit one at this time.
We haven't decided which projects we are going to enroll in yet, what should we do?
Don't worry about choosing the correct projects or adding Interest Projects, at this time. Edna 4-H has a project showcase during our 1st meeting where you will be able to learn more about project costs, expectations, requirements and much more. The project enrollment is more an interest survey for use by the Extension Office.
Membership Coordinator:
Arlene McRoberts RTPereida@yahoo.com
Adult Volunteer
If you would like to participate as an adult volunteer, please contact the Edna 4-H Community Club Leader.
We are always accepting new Project Leaders and Assistant Project Leaders (up to two per project).
Leaders must be able to pass a background check, complete a LiveScan, submit an application, complete online 4H training and be able to make a time commitment to participate of at least 6 hours of instruction over the course of the program year.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enroll?
Go to the Enrollment Website and create an account to complete enrollment. A check must then be turned into Edna 4-H for $95 (per member).
*Please keep in mind, these fees get paid directly to our county office. Our club doesn’t benefit from this money at all. We are self-funded and rely solely on our fundraisers and sponsors to provide for our club and projects all year long.
When is enrollment due?
Edna 4-H has open enrollment ALL year. However, if you plan on raising an animal, it is at the discretion of the project leader. Example: Pigs are purchased in April, so enrollment in pigs in June is not possible. Enrollment is required to attend club events.
What happens if I forget my password?
In the online system, enter your email, and select Forgot Password. A phony password will be generated to log-in, and sent to the email you entered. A new password can then be created.
How much are the enrollment fees?
A check is due to Edna 4-H for $95.00 (per member) to complete enrollment.
Who do I turn in my enrollment materials to?
The volunteer membership coordinator is Arlene McRoberts RTPereida@yahoo.com