Community Service 2020-21
July - present
Write letters/ artwork for seniors thru Project PenPal- If interested please email edna4hclub@gmial.com for senior care centers addresses who are participating. Once notes are written and sent please send your name, number of notes write, and time spent to our club email to be part of the committee. Ongoing
September 6-12, Collection of Back 2 School items for Family Care Network youth. Donate receive .5 service credit. Evan Moffitt evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com
October 6-10, collection of canned food for fire relief in California. Donate receive .5 service credit. Evan Moffitt evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com
November 3-14, collection of canned foods for the SLO Food Bank hosted by the Nutrition Project. Donate to receive .5 service credit. Kathy Chechopoulos evankathy@gmail.com
December 1-10, collection of specific items for the Salvation Army. Drop off at a Farm Supply, sign in your donation receive 20% off 1 items purchased. Donate to receive .5 service credit. Hosted by the Vet Science, Cake Decorating and Primary Art & Craft projects. Erin Dewegeli horsewey@gmail.com
February 2, The Poultry Project will host making Valentine cards for local seniors.
March 2 The Dog Project collected items for Woods Humane Society.
April 6 The BBQ Project collected items to send to our Troops overseas.
May 4 The Swine Project collected items for the SLO County Animal Services.
May 21, The AG Happenings Project held a beach clean up at Avila Beach. All members with their families are invited
May 22, Horse project Cleaned up at the Mustang Rescue Ranch. All members are invited.
MAY is EDNA’s month of giving back to our community. Volunteer in your community, document it with a photo and send the photo and hours volunteered to your project leader.
June 2-9, Sheep project collected toiletries for Prado homeless shelter.
On going- First Fruits Farm https://www.firstfruitsslo.org/
There are LOTS of times available to sign up at First Fruits Farm now....weeding, planting seedlings, spreading compost, and lots of other farm activities!
Past Opportunities
2019- 2020 - (July 1- June 30)
2019-20 Community Service Opportunities
3, Join the Beef Project bringing and serving lunch at Prado Day Center. Interested in the opportunities Kristin 805-748-9871
27, Auction runners for the CMSF Livestock Auction, 4-5 pm. Members in whites and adults are needed, Interested contact Jane 805-440-0148
27, staff the Christine Allen Memorial Fund to help guide the buyers with donation of animals to the SLO County Food Bank. 9-end of auction. Members in whites and adults needed. Interested contact Debbie Allen 805-591-9744
1, 5-9 pm California Women for Agriculture Burgers N Brews event, The teen volunteers will be in charge of the kid's corral, babysitting children and keeping them entertained with games/activities. They will also be assisting with the silent auction, keeping an eye on bid sheets and helping pull bid sheets at the end of the evening and carrying items out for the buyers. Contact Stephanie Marden 805-441-7981
3, during our general meeting, collection of back to school items for an SLOCAP-C’s Resource Network. This equals .5 hours of community service
1, Feline Network donations collected by the Dairy Project. Bring canned cat food, toys, treats and cat litter to the general meeting, sign in when you drop your items and receive .5 hr. credit toward your 6 hours of community service.
20 & 27, The Sewing project invite you to join the Quilting Project on October 20th and 27th from 1-3 pm to work on charity quilts as our Community Service Project. We will be partnering with the San Luis Obispo Quilt Guild and our quilt will be donated to the Women's Shelter, or to a Chemo Center in our community.
Please bring a sewing machine, and sewing supplies. We will meet at the Auditorium at the 4H office. Kathy Chechopoulos will be the adult leader.
Please contact Kathy Chechopoulos at 805-550-6706 for any questions.
25, The Gardening Project is co-hosting a Seed Exchange at the SLO Library. Arrive by 5:30pm: bring snacks to share. Kathy Chechopoulos will be the adult leader. Please contact Kathy Chechopoulos at 805-550-6706 for any questions.
5, Canned Food drive hosted by the Swine Project benefitting the SLO Food Bank. Sign in to receive .5 credit of Community Service.
5, Thanksgiving foods hosted by Leadership benefitting Grassroots II. Sign in to receive .5 credit of community service.
17 and 26- decorating for the holiday parade
23, 12:30-3pm to help serve at Michael Kaney's funeral service, at SLO Mission Church. Please wear your full whites; white pants, white shirt with tie/ scarf and hat. You will meet in the Church Courtyard and volunteer 12:30-3pm. Only 4-5 EDNA members are needed. The Kaney family have been involved and supportive of EDNA for many years. Michael was an EDNA member. His Mom was a community club leader and his sister was a project leader. So please contact, Cathy Ahearn at 805-471-6697 if interested
27, 7am-1pm, Prep and serve a Thanksgiving meal for Grassroots II, interested contact Evan Moffitt at evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com
28, 8am Walk, trot or run the Pismo Beach Turkey trot. Meet at the T-Shirt selling booth by 7:30 to join EDNA walkers. If interested contact Evan Moffitt at evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com
3, Toys 4 Tots collection of toys by the Poultry Project. Bring toys to the December meeting unwrapped and donate
3, Donation to the Nutrition Project Bake sale benefitting SLO Food Bank
7, Bring personal items for RISE. This donation is hosted by Sewing and Leadership Projects Bring items to the general meeting, sign in when you drop your items and receive .5 hr. credit toward your 6 hours of community service.
26, Volunteer at the SLO Food Bank. 10-12. Hosted by Community Service Project, Contact Evan Moffitt evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com
9, make valentine cards for the elderly coordinated by the Poultry project
22, SLO Botanical Garden clean up hosted by the Rabbit project
24, 7-8pm Making wood gams for Rita’s Rainbow for needy children Hosted by Woodworking Project. Contact Andy Allen aallen@nsiwebmail.com
1, Pancake Breakfast at the SLO Guide Hall, prepping and serving the meal to community and clean up. Sign up for shifts 7:30-11. Wear 4H whites or EDNA clothing. Contact Evan Moffitt evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com or Sean Morelos sean.morelos@nutrien.com
3, Bring gently used blankets and towels to the December general meeting for the animals at Woods Humane Society. Hosted by the Dog and Vet Science Projects.
Making Face Masks: Contact Ginger Behnke, Sewing Leader 805-391-2057 orgbk@charter.net to help make masks. email your name, hours spent on activity to our club email to be added to the committee. Ongoing
Write letters/ artwork for seniors thru Project PenPal- send name, number of notes write, and time spent to our club email to be part of the committee. Ongoing
May 17-22 Donate food to the Salvation Army hosted by the BBQ Project