Learn about your record book, what goes in it, and how to complete it.
After implementing various record book workshops, we found that an online guide would be helpful to guide some members who aren't able to attend said workshops. This guide is not at all exhaustive and the best way to get resources is at a workshop or by asking a member of your officer team.
Start by downloading the Record Book Checklist. It will guide you through your record book step-by-step. Determine whether you are using the online record book or the traditional record book word document, CA 4-H recommends the Online Record Book as it is "easier".
Step 2
Visit the Edna google classroom and download the forms you need according to the following criteria. If you are using the Online Record Book, please only download the Record Book Manual. If you are using the record book document, please download the Record Book Manual and Record Book Forms.
Step 3
Complete the record book according to the instructions in the Record Book Manual.
Contact us using one of the numerous forms on our website or at edna4hclub@gmail.com Include "Record Book" in the subject line and we'll make sure you get a speedy response.
Record book Basics Class These will be offered virtually (see edna google classroom). This is a beginner class on Record book basics. We will cover what is an APR, PDR, 4H Story, and where do I get a green folder? RSVP edna4hclub@gmail.com
Record Book Work sessions These will be most likely be offered virtually (see Edna google classroom). Watch for announcements. Officers will be available to help you. Bring your computer, forms, and materials you need. Question send email to edna4hclub@gmail.com
Record Book drop off will be a drive thru drop off event -July 12 2021at SLO Farm Supply 4:30-5:45pm. Direct questions to Erin D 805-550-5401, or horsewey@gmail.com or edna4hclub@gmail.com
For those 4 -H Record books heading for county judging(no judging 2020-21) - here is a break down
of each paragraph for your 4 -H story.
Please follow the number of words by age at the bottom.
Erin D.
YOUR 4 H STORY MADE SIMPLE - Break it down into paragraphs.
#1- Introduce yourself, how old you are, your year in 4-H, family dynamics, what school you attend and anything else you would like us to know about you personally. This should include interests, sports and other events in your life.
#2 - A paragraph for each project and how it was different from last year. Include more details about your favorite part of the project. Talk about what you hoped to learn and then what you did learn.
#3 – Explain a learning experience you had with a project. Explain the things that didn’t quiet go right. An example might be that your new rabbit bit you or your horse stepped on your foot. Did an art project fall apart? A paragraph for each project would be great but it’s not necessary.
#4 –How will these experiences help you in the future. Example – the presentation you did has helped you with talking in front of people without being nervous. Or, keeping track of all your community service and leadership helped you fill out you college application. Explain the community service projects and leadership parts you worked on with your project and/or with the club. Write about how important this event was and what you learned. How will these services and other things you accomplished in 4 H change you as a person? How will they help you grow and change the way you do things in the future?
#5 – Will you be a member in 4 H next year? Tell us why/ why not and what you will do differently. What do you hope to accomplish next year. How would you like to see changes in the next 4 H program year?
The number of words should reflect the age and number of years the member has been in 4 H.
Age 9- 10, 1-2 page (or 1st year in 4 H with 1 project) 250 - 500 words
Age 11 -13, 2-3 pages, 500 -1000 words
14 and up 3 - 6 pages.1000 - 2000 words
Please text me if you have questions
805 550 5401
Erin D.