Edna 4-H offers a multitude of immersive and hands-on projects led by some amazing volunteers. You may sign up for projects at our Annual Project Showcase during our September 3rd, 2024 meeting. Remember online sign-ups are NOT considered signing up for a project. If interested in a project after September 3rd, please contact the Leader of the project directly. A "completed" project is 6 hours of project meetings plus completing an APR-Annual Project Report at the end. Please contact the project leader to learn what costs and other requirements which are involved as each are specific per project.
All members/parents attending 4-H project meetings are required to read and sign these forms:
Member Code of Conduct: https://ucanr.edu/sites/slo4-h/files/384242.pdf
Parent Code of Conduct: https://ucanr.edu/sites/slo4-h/files/384241.pdf
Please bring your signed copy per member /parent along with membership payment to the first general meeting in September.
All new EDNA members are encouraged to attend one of 2 new member orientation meetings held in October. You will gain information about the history of EDNA 4H Club, the projects offered, record book forms, the 4H uniform (county events), time and club commitments, community involvement and cost of animal projects. There are monthly community service opportunities and projects presentations at each general meeting in addition to club activities and general information that will be discussed.
Project Leaders: Arlene McRoberts rtpereida@gmail.com or 805-458-1127
9 yrs +
Project Leaders: Diana Moffitt
10 yrs +
To learn medical conditions, terminology, diseases and treatments of farm animals. We will visit veterinary hospital locations around SLO and work with live animals to practice first aid techniques. Members need to be 10yrs old + to work with sharps and medical equipment. Possible one-on-one shadowing with veterinarians maybe set up.
Project Leaders: Dr. Rachael Lyons
9 yrs +
Horse ownership is not required. The project meetings focus on learning about the physical aspects of horses, their needs, their behavior and human interactions. This may include visits/demonstrations with trainers, judges, veterinarians, farriers, nutritionists, rescue organizations, and so on. Other activities include equine related community service, public speaking, knowledge testing, arts and crafts, etc. Members are invited to help organize and plan the topics schedule. The group generally meets once a month on a Sunday afternoon at the topic location, TBA. (Speaker availability may dictate a day change.)
In addition, those members who have access to a horse have the option of competing with their animal in the three county-sponsored field days: the Western Performance and Trail Field Day, the English Performance Field Day, and the Gymkhana Field Day.
Project Leaders: Mary Laporte mlaporte@calpoly.edu or 805-458-2242
Assistant Leaders: Tami Righetti tsrighetti@gmail.com
5 yrs +
The poultry project consists of Show Chickens, Broilers, and Turkeys. The poultry project is an excellent project for members five years and older. Members will learn to show at the Mid State Fair and to care for a small animal. Ownership is required and it is a year round project. Members that are Junior and Teen can participate in the Broiler and Turkey project and sell their animals at the Mid State Fair. The Broiler project is a 8 week project and the Turkey project is a 16 week project. 6 meetings are held for the poultry group on Sundays 10-11am starting in October.
Project Leaders: Donna Haase Donnagarnsey@gmail.com or 805-440-6859
5 yrs +
In the Food and Nutrition Project, you will learn how to cook delicious and healthy food. In the fall, we will be meeting in person for a longer meeting to learn how to water bath can (probably applesauce and jam). Starting in November, we will have monthly zoom meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month from November through April at 6 pm. In May, we will meet in person for a family potluck and each member will do a presentation on what they made for the potluck. Students should be prepared with ingredients for each recipe prior to the meetings. Parents will need to be present for all meetings.
Project Leaders: Kathy Chechopoulos evankathy@gmail.com or 805-550-6706
9 yrs +
In the Leadership group, you will meet with the officer team once every month. You will help plan general meetings, make improvements to the club, participate in committees and take leadership positions etc. Meetings: Every 3rd Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30. Junior and Teen leaders are asked and encouraged to join!
Project Leaders: Cara Wright cwright@farmsupplycompany.com or Cathy Ahearn - slotownteacher@gmail.com (805)471-6697
5 yrs +
This project will learn basic care and showmanship of show rabbits. Ownership of a pure bred show quality rabbit is required (we will help you find them from reputable breeders).
Project Leaders: Evan Moffitt evanryanmoffitt@gmail.com or 805-748-8931 and Kara Dostal kdostal@hotmail.com
9 yrs +
In the swine group you will have the responsibility of raising and showing your own pig to auction off at the Mid State Fair in July. You will learn the different types of breeds of pig, parts of the pig, how to properly care for and fit your pig for show and lots more! We have a lot of fun activities planned for this coming year! Members should expect fairly large costs and time invested in this project. You must have space and living arrangements for your pig. If you don’t, there is a project farm available for you to use. There are limited pens available. Contact the swine leader for more information if interested. Daily travel of two or more times a day is required to feed and care for your pig. The first meeting is highly encouraged to attend; to find out more information about the project and answer any questions, comments or concerns. Meetings will be held once a month starting in January and change to weekly or biweekly during Summer so we can properly prepare for the fair.
Meeting Dates: TBA
Project Leader: Alexis Sargenti alexisdsargenti04@gmail.com or 805-295-1561
9 yrs +
In the beef group you will have the responsibility of raising and showing your own replacement heifer, steer or breeding animal. Beef group, meetings are scheduled in the fall. This project has large Feed, animal, and equipment expenses. Feed costs can range from $800-$1500. Steer and Heifer costs can range from $1000 -$2500. You will need an adequate cattle pen/facility to raise your steer, heifer or breeding animal. Most animals will sell at Mid-State Fair in July. Please attend first meeting to learn more details.
Project Leaders: Kristen Beljean 805-748-9871 and Aaron Lazanoff alazanoff@msn.com or 805-801-7058
9 yrs +
In the Sheep group, you will learn how to care for your very own sheep. Costs depend on the price of sheep. Sheep may be kept at your home, or at the project farm. Meetings to be determined.
Project Leaders: Sydney McGovern smcgovern729@gmail.com or 805-503-8327
5 yrs +
The Pygmy Goat project is open to both primary members and regular members. This is a wonderful "non-terminal" project meaning you do not sell the animal at the Fair. Because Pygmy Goats are small in size and friendly in nature they are a great project for kids to start with that are interested in showing large livestock later on. In this project you will learn about proper health care/housing/feeding, breed standards, showmanship and most importantly how to have fun with your goat! There are a number of open and youth shows in our area to attend throughout the year in addition to the Mid State Fair. Meetings will be held once a month and this is a year round project. We will help you find show goats from reputable breeders (recommend at least 2 because they are happier with a friend). As projects go this is a relatively inexpensive one with show goats starting at $200 for wethers, $500 for does. Because of their small size, feed costs are less as well. Feel free to contact the leader Nicole with any questions.
Project Leader: Nicole Darnton nicole.darnton@gmail.com or 805-431-9533
9 yrs +
Project Leaders: Position open/ NEED LEADER 2023-24
9 yrs +
The Edna 4-H Dairy project provides participants with exposure to various aspects of dairy animal husbandry, dairy operations, and dairy products as well. We meet 1x/month, usually on weekends, and do different activities such as Cal Poly Dairy tour, cheesemaking, dairy product tasting, a goat dairy visit, and dairy processing plant visit, amongst other things. After first of the new year, we’ll begin dairy cattle judging in preparation of the judging team competing at the Western Classic Dairy Show in Hanford in early March. Next, participants will be better equipped to choose their own dairy animal from the Cal Poly dairy to show as their own dairy heifer at the Mid State Fair in July. Although Cal Poly maintains housing and feeding of the dairy heifers, participants have a large responsibility of practicing leading and grooming the dairy heifer prior to the show. The busiest time for this project is typically late May, June, and July.
Project Leaders: Alan Vanderhorst Alan@360agmgt.com
9 yrs +
In this project you will learn basics about a variety of BBQ styles, safety and food preparation. Come hungry and ready to cook! We promise you will not go home hungry!
Project Leaders: Kara and John Dostal kdostal@hotmail.com or jwdostal@hotmail.com
5 yrs +
You will have the opportunity to learn to care for and train your dog. We will explore what sports dogs participate in; such as dock diving, scent work, agility, rally, obedience, tricks and confirmation. You will learn the parts of a dog, how to read your dog’s body language, basic care/grooming skills and how to teach basic manners. You and your dog will learn basic obedience, and showmanship. In addition, you will have an opportunity to work with our guest trainers and do some beginning rally, games and tricks too. Its best to own a dog. If you don't own a dog, you can still learn alot. You will learn how to build the bond between you and your dog. You will have an opportunity to give at least 1 individual presentation about your dog and 1 group project presentation. We will be able to show your skills at an end of year project event in the Spring, County Field Day in June and at the Fair in July. We will meet both virtually and in person. Our virtual meetings will be held on a weekday evening and in person will meet Sundays 3-4pm at Cuesta Park (1-2 times a month). All dogs must be at least 4 months of age and fully vaccinated. This project starts meeting in mid/late September and will go through July. There will be a kickoff event in the Fall. Details to be announced.
(I am looking for a co-leader who will be a connection between our project meetings and Edna 4-H)
Project Leaders: Jane Brennan slojab@aol.com or 805-440-0148
5 yrs +
You will learn to organize, coordinate and participate in a variety of community services representing EDNA 4H. We will meet monthly for 1-2 hours at various days and times to serve in our local community
Project Leader: Kathy Chechopoulos evankathy@gmail.com or 805-550-6706
5 yrs +
Learn the basic techniques for cake decorating. Purchasing supplies to practice at home is encouraged. We will meet on weekend mornings at the Santa Rosa Park or similar location 2 times a month from October to March.
Project leaders: OPEN
5 yrs +
The gardening project will meet in person, outside, on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4-5:30. We will learn about year round gardening, organic seed starting, transplanting, growing, harvesting, seed saving and eating our fruit and veggie harvest. If there is interest, we will meet more often in the summertime when the garden is producing a lot of food!
Project Leaders: Kathy Chechopoulos evankathy@gmail.com or 805-550-6706
5 yrs +
Explore beekeeping and Central Coast ecosystems through learning about and raising honey bees. Primary members are welcome to come learn along with us about observing landscapes, native pollinators, and bee products. Members who are ready to start hives will learn to capture swarms, use beekeeping equipment, and care for them responsibly. Project meetings will include speakers from the local Central Coast Beekeepers Association and community as well as our own hands-on projects. Meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from October through April.
Project Leaders: Mindy Wilkinson mindy.wilkinson@gmail.com (805)704-7906 and Ben Brown bpbrown@gmail.com (303)653-2371
5 yrs +
In the public speaking group members will learn how to feel comfortable, confident and HAVE FUN speaking individually and in a group setting. Interested in participating in presentation day but not sure where to start? For those that are interested we will be focusing on providing guidance in selecting a topic, preparing talking points & visual aides, responding to questions and more! Monthly meetings will have a different focus each month to build members speaking toolkit and incorporate fun team building activities as well.
Project Leaders: Clare Thomas (530) 250-8421 or tclare969@gmail.com
12 yrs +
The Woodworking Project will teach basic woodworking skills and safety. One or two wood projects will be completed during the year, with possible Industrial Art entries to the Mid-State Fair. Monthly meetings will be scheduled. Costs for the project include safety googles and project materials.
Project Leader: Andy Allen sloallens@gmail.com or 805-543-8644
9 yrs +
The Arts and Crafts project is an opportunity for members to use their creativity to make items that they can proudly enter in the California Mid State Fair. There will be approximately 6-8 meetings at a fee of $15 per project to cover costs of supplies. Meeting locations, dates, and times will be given at the first meeting.
Project Leaders: Janine Quaglino caquail4@aol.com or 805-550-8226
Primary Members only ages 5-8 yrs
Join together to make fun crafts once a month during our general meetings. Activities will depend upon the number of members in the project. During the project time, we will work on the "isprout record book" tasks.
Project Leaders: Primary Parent Rotation
9 yrs +
The livestock judging project will teach the basics of market and breeding animal selection. The focus will be on sheep, swine, beef cattle and market goats. Livestock judging is a great opportunity to build skills for interpersonal and career growth. These skills include critical thinking, public speaking, and character development while learning to make informed decisions and communicate reasoning.
Project Leaders: OPEN
The following projects have been offered by EDNA in the past and are in need of a project leader. If you are interested in any of these projects or have an idea for a new one, contact Jessica Quaglino.
Beginning Quilting Project
Electric project