Community Service (2017 - 2018)
July 2017
* July 4, Serve lunch at Prado Day Center, Please email Aaron Lazanoff alazanoff@msn.com for details.
* July 5 at 12:00, Feed the Homeless Prado Day Center, Contact Kristin Beljean (805) 748-9871 (text only)
* Friday, July 6th from 6-8pm. First Fruits Farm is located behind Thousand Hills Pet Resort at 173 Buckley Rd, SLO. Bring a water bottle, gloves, and wear closed toe shoes. This is a great opportunity for Ag related community service that involves picking organically growth produce that is all given to the Food Bank to help the needy in our community. Please email Kathy Chechopoulos at evankathy@gmail.com, or 805-550-6706. A parent or guardian is asked to stay for this opportunity.
* July 7 from 2-6pm, BBQ and serving appetizers for Jacks Helping Hands at Santa Margarita Ranch, please email Aaron Lazanoff alazanoff@msn.com for more details.
* July 8 2-6pm, Jacks Helping Hands, helping with the BBQ. Contact Aaron Lazanoff 0801-7058 or email alazanoff@msn.com
* July 25 Helping the County 4H booth at Fair- Jane Brennan 440-0148
* July 29 7:30-9:30am Livestock Auction Runners - Jane 440-0148
* July 29 Helping at the Christine Allen Memorial Food Bank Table- Debbie Allen
* July 30 3-3:30pm Helping during the Ice Creme Social- Jane 440-0148
September 2017
* September 3, 5-9pm Helping with the silent auction for CWA Burgers & Brews event at the Santa Margarita Ranch. Ages 12-18. No charge for 4H volunteers, parents need to purchase admission. Contact Stephanie Marden smarden64@gmail.com or 441-9781 by 8/23
October 2017
* October 6, 4-7pm staffing a Petting Zoo. Interested? Sign up at the general meeting or email the club at edna4hclub@gmail.com- Jane
* October 7, 10am-4pm Creating a scarecrow for Family Supply' scarecrow contest. Creative or want to help? Sign up at the general meeting or email edna4hclub@gmail.com attn Macy and Ely
November 2017
* November 22 Prep the Turkey meal for Grassroots- Contact Debbie Allen/ Sign up at our November general meeting
* November 23: Turkey Trot in Pismo Beach/ 8am sign up (its free) and begins 8:30am Walk or run: Contact Debbie Allen/Sign up at our General Meeting
December 2017
*December 9, Grocery Outlet shopping and Tour. Buying items for the Food Bank from proceeds of bake sale. Parents are requested to be present. Contact Kathy C at evankathy@gmail.com or 550-6706
* January 7: Pancake Breakfast at the Guild Hall, SLO, 7-11AM, Set up, serve and clean up a community Pancake Breakfast. contact: Jane Brennan/ sign up at our December meeting or interested email Jane at edna4hclub@gmail.com
* February 4: Pancake Breakfast at the Guild Hall, SLO, 7-12AM, Set up, serve and clean up a community Pancake Breakfast. Benefits Edna Projects. contact: Jane Brennan/ sign up at our January meeting or interested email Jane at edna4hclub@gmail.com
MARCH 2018
*March 2, 4-8pm BBQ project will be serving drinks and snacks at the SLO Youth Baseball Opening Night. Sign up at February general meeting, Jenny Quaglino 441-4528
* March 3 9am-12pm, Central Coast Feather Fanciers, Annual Spring Pullet SaleSaturday at Templeton Feed, 405 South Main Street, Templeton. Need 4 or 5 kid volunteers to help at the sale by catching chickens and helping load them up as they are purchased. MUST have chicken-handling experience. Adult leader on site day of event - Stephanie Marden. Contact Stephanie at smarden64@gmail.com for info and to sign up.
*March 16, 6-9pm: Pillow Case Pajama Party hosted by the Sewing Project, You will learn to sew a pillow hat can be donated to foster children. You may wear your PJ's and bring a snack. Must be 10 yrs old and bring an adult. Bring Thread, pins, scissors, 1 yard (36x45) of 100% cotton pre-washed material. RSVP yo Aria 2350698/ email ohjono@aol.com OR sign up at the general meetings.
APRIL 2018
*April 27, 3-7:30pm Help RACESLO stuffing swag bags for the Marathon at the Madonna Meadow Sign up at the general meeting or contact Evan/Diane Moffitt 748-8931 evanryanmoffit@gmail.com
MAY 2018
*May 5 10am-2pm, Woods Humane Society Chihuahua Races run by the Dog Project. Sign ups will be available at the general meeting. Contact Jane Brennan slojab@aol.com or call 440-0148.
* May 5, 10am-12pm, Food Bank to help stock shelves. The Dairy Project runs this event. Sign up at the club meeting or contact Nancy Brooks at natzduvall@hotmail.com 440-3688
* May 6, 7am-12pm, Guild Hall Pancake Breakfast, wear Whites, You will set up for breakfast, be serving breakfast, pouring coffee and juice, clearing ables and cleaning up. Sign up at May general meeting. Contact: Jane Brennan 440-0148 or slojab@aol.com
* May 10, 3-7pm, work at the Blood Drive to support a fellow 4her in the County who is need. The Sheep Project is coordinating this event. Volunteers will be helping WITH the event NOT donating. However, adults are encouraged to donate blood. Sign ups at the April meeting and a sign up genius link will be provided. Contact Chea Hall cheahall@fitdrhall.com or 503-522-0774
JUNE 2018
*June 1, 4H Field Day, help set up 1-4pm at Paso Robles Event Center. Sign up at May general meeting.
*June 2, 4H Field Day helpers both members AND adults needed. Parking & Safety 6-8am, silent Auction 9am-1pm or shadow Poultry Division Chairperson. Contact Denise at
* Friday, June 15, 22 and 29 ( if crops are ready) 6-8 pm. First Fruits Farm is located behind Thousand Hills Pet Resort at 173 Buckley Rd, SLO. Bring a water bottle, gloves, and wear closed toe shoes. This is a great opportunity for Ag related community service that involves picking organically growth produce that is all given to the Food Bank to help the needy in our community. Please email Kathy Chechopoulos at evankathy@gmail.com, or 805-550-6706. A parent or guardian is asked to stay for this opportunity.
* June 24: 11am Stand up for Children at Mitchell Park SLO. Interested in volunteering for this event: Contact Claudia Olsen 805 235-0698
JULY 2018
* July 4: Serving lunch at Prado Day Center, Please email Aaron Lazanoff alazanoff@msn.com for details.
* July 7: 2-6PM, BBQ for Jacks Helping Hands at Santa Margarita Ranch, please email Aaron Lazanoff alazanoff@msn.com for more details.
* Fridays, July 6, 6-8pm. First Fruits Farm is located behind Thousand Hills Pet Resort at 173 Buckley Rd, SLO. Bring a water bottle, gloves, and wear closed toe shoes. This is a great opportunity for Ag related community service that involves picking organically growth produce that is all given to the Food Bank to help the needy in our community. Please email Kathy Chechopoulos at evankathy@gmail.com, or 805-550-6706. A parent or guardian is asked to stay for this opportunity.